Saturday, December 17, 2011

Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

Technically I'm still playing it, but I've concluded the two main quest lines for the game, and explored a large portion of the world, and I like it. It feels like Bethesda found a good blend of Morrowind and Oblivion, making you work a bit for your victories, without making them impossible to achieve.

Graphically, it looks great on my PC, runs pretty well after some tweaking of configuration files, and doesn't suffer from the loading times that the console (360) version does. Though the trade-off is crashing, which either happens a lot, or very infrequently depending on who you ask.

As far as the audio side of things go it sounds great, and just about everything is captured in a way that makes it feel very real and believable. Except for the voice acting... and it's not that any of the voice acting is bad (overall it's quite good) but the variety that Bethesda kept mentioning just isn't there. It still sounds like there are four people doing all the voices for all the characters in the game, and if you ignore major plot lines, you won't get to hear any of the big-name actors they cast.

Anyone who plays and enjoys Bethesda games will now that none of these things compare to the gameplay side of things, where you can do anything you want, and be anything you like, running rampant through their giant open world, terrorizing wildlife and commoners alike.

Skyrim pretty much delivers this without any problem, you can be one of multiple races that generally look way, way, way better than in any of the previous Elder Scrolls games, and deck them out with all kinds of clothes, armor, and weaponry to turn yourself into an avatar of mighty, dragon-slaying awesomeness. Though it doesn't give you insane level dress-up game complexity that Morrowind did, where you could wear pants, shirts and belts under your greaves, pauldrons, chestpiece, boots, and gauntlets. But then Skyrim doesn't dump you in the middle of a giant ash-desert without any way to find your objectives. So you lose some, you win some right?

If I had one major gripe however, it would be that the stories told in the plots are lacking that punch that makes them engrossing or engaging. Character development is almost missing entirely, and I wish they would spend more time making me give a damn about the characters they plunk down in front of me. Also... I would like to be able to kill the characters that manage to piss me off, Bethesda. No fair getting me to dislike a character, then deny me the ability to slay them and take all their stuff.

Bottom line: Worth the full price.

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